
Giving by standing order

Account number: 04528619

Sort code: 30-91-87

Giving at Kingdom Life Church, we believe in the power and importance of giving. Giving to the church is not merely an act of financial support, but a reflection of our gratitude and obedience to God. We view giving as an opportunity to participate in the work of God's kingdom and to bless others. It enables us to make a lasting impact on our community and the lives of those in need. When we give to the church, we are sowing seeds of faith and trusting God to multiply them. It is a beautiful act of worship, as we acknowledge that everything we have belongs to God and that He is the ultimate provider. Through our giving, we can help advance the gospel, support missions and ministries. We are committed to wise stewardship, ensuring that the resources entrusted to us are used for maximum impact. By giving to the church, we align our hearts with God's heart and join in His mission to bring hope, healing, and transformation to the world.

Gift Aid: Maximising the Impact of Your Generosity
Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows us to enhance your generous offerings. By simply completing a Gift Aid declaration, you enable us to reclaim the basic rate tax on your donation. For every £1 you contribute, the government adds an additional 25p, making your gift go further without any extra cost to you. Want to know more about Gift Aid or become a Gift Aider you can contact Dawn our finance officer.