Limitless Newcastle is a place where your young person can Belong, Believe & Bless. We are passionate about seeing young people get excited about the gospel, deciding to follow Jesus for themselves, being filled with the Holy Spirit & using their spiritual gifts to bless others!

We encourage our young people to live life to the fullness which God promises us (John 10:10).

“Friday Youth is my favourite time of the week, i love to see my friends, play fun games & spend sometime hearing from the bible”

“We have just got back from camp, it was great. We worshiped God & i even give my life to Jesus”

I like Youth because it’s a way I can explore my faith with other people my age.
What I like about church and youth is you get to worship God as one big family.

Meet The Team

Our youth ministry is led by Leanne Robson, alongside a fantastic team of youth leaders, who are passionate about seeing young people transformed by the gospel and seeing a move of God amongst GEN-Z. If you want to know more about Limitless Youth you can contact Leanne using the link below.